1. Trust Listing Report:
The Report Settings tab has been added to the Trust Listing Report, allowing users to choose which details are included in the report.
2. Trust Details:
Added a “Reference Number” field for Trusts. This can be entered in the "Other Details" tab after selecting the desired trust.
1. "All Representatives must sign" Toggle
This new toggle in the document production screen allows you to choose whether all representatives for company contacts and joint member contacts must sign documents like the Application for Shares and Notice of Beneficial Ownership.
- When toggled on, all representatives must sign.
- When toggled off, only one signatory will be shown, offering flexibility based on the number of representatives involved in the document.
2. We’re excited to introduce the Special Rights feature on the Shareholders Screen! This update makes tracking and managing unique rights associated with specific shares easier than ever.
- View Special Rights Details: See a clear summary of special rights attached to shares directly below the Shareholders Graph.
- Easy Editing: Quickly update special rights by hovering over the text and clicking the Pencil Icon to edit.
To learn more, click here.
3. Share Register Improvements:
- Include or Exclude Beneficial Owners. A new option has been added to the Share Register settings, allowing you to generate the register with or without Beneficial Owners.
- The Share Register can now be automatically generated in date order. Simply click the
to save this as your default preference.
4. The Application of Shares has been updated to align more accurately with the Company Constitution/Companies Act, based on company data recorded in the system.
- Removal of Amount Payable (Per Share): The row titled "Amount payable (per share)" has been removed from the template specifically for the New Zealand jurisdiction to ensure compliance with local regulations.
- Updated Application for Shares: Two new paragraphs have been added to the "Application for Shares" section. These paragraphs will now display dynamically depending on the data saved for each company in the database, ensuring the content is tailored to each specific company.
1. Contact Address
As of the end of 2024, ACRA has phased out the Alternate Address, replacing it with the new Contact Address Regime. CAS 360 now supports the Contact Address and this can be added to officers and shareholders.
2. Fractional Shares
Improvements have been made to the shareholders screen regarding fractional share holdings appearing when the show current shareholders toggle was enabled.
1. Multiple Contact Details Change
The Multiple screen now offers the ability to add or update a contact's details including their ID/Passport and email, supporting document production for the changes
1. Introducing the UK Companies House Comparison Report
The Comparison Report helps identify discrepancies between CAS 360 and Companies House records, ensuring accuracy and compliance while reducing the risk of errors.
This is a significant step and brings us one step closer to the commercial release of CAS 360 UK!
2. Updated the email validations when lodging the Confirmation Statement
In this release, we have improved the validations when an email address is missing while lodging the CS01.
3. Updates to the Document Production for People of Significant Control
To improve compliance in CAS 360 when generating PSC forms, we have strengthened the validations in the Document Production screen. The updates are outlined below:
- The Statute of Incorporation is no longer a mandatory field for a Contactable Company PSC
- An Individual PSC's residential address cannot be listed as a PO Box.