When adding a contact via Quick Add or the Global Contacts screen, a new ‘Name Layout’ option will appear, allowing users to switch the Contact Name format from “First Name, Last Name’ to “Last Name, First Name. Users can switch the ‘Name Layout’ for a contact at any time from within the Global Contacts screen.
Users can now select a specific date range for the Company Listing Report.
The ordering of same-date transactions has been improved in the Register of Members/Shareholders.
Added a cease date for all members of Limited by Guarantee Companies.
The character limit for Shareholders/Members quick add has been increased to 200.
UI improvements have been made for the Jurisdiction drop-down, Messages styles, Notes popovers, and Shareholders Donuts.
Users can now combine Share/Unit Certificates for multiple share/unit transactions.
- Australia
A new email template has been included for the purpose of sending Annual Review invoices separately.
- Document Production support has been added to allow users to choose which invoice they want to use.
- New Zealand
- We are excited to announce a new feature that enables you to record, review, and modify directors’ interests using our new Directors Interest screen!
This intuitive interface provides an easy-to-use platform to keep track of directors’ interests, ensuring that you stay compliant with regulations.
In addition, we have also introduced a new Directors Interest Register Report , which provides a comprehensive view of all the recorded interests.
We are confident that the enhancements made to these features will prove to be invaluable in streamlining the process of managing directors’ interests.
Enhancements have been made to the Company Name Reservations process, resulting in a more seamless lodgement experience.
Validations have been implemented for Corporate Shareholders in the Company Registration process in instances where the NZBN is not present.
The ability to re-submit company registration consent forms has been added.
Users now have the ability to delete New Zealand name reservations that have been declined through the Company Name Reservations screen.
The GET Contact Identity Verification API of the AML API has been updated to include Email and Mobile, and additional endpoints have been incorporated for AML screening.
- Singapore
With just a few clicks, you can now produce the necessary documents for a Singapore Company Name Change. Try it today!
Added the Register of Officeholders and Register of Members to the post-incorporation document pack, for Company Registrations.
When processing a share transfer, users will now find new options in the Share Transfer Form to print witness signature information.
We’ve updated the Share Transfer Form template to incorporate the latest witness signatory functionalities.
Users can now search for a company by UEN only from the Search Register.
The Search Register now supports importing companies with zero shares.
Changes for members of companies limited by guarantee will now be included in the global documents screen.