Use CAS 360's step-by-step wizard to quickly prepare the full company registration document set and deliver it to your clients.
From the Main Toolbar, go to Company. |
From the Company Screen, select Company Registrations. |
Company Registrations Screen
The Company Registrations screen contains a list of all the company registrations prepared in CAS 360.
The Company Registrations screen can be filtered using the Advanced Filter:
All Registrations | Display all company registrations prepared in CAS 360. |
Not Registered | Company Registrations that have not yet been lodged. |
Registered | Company Registrations that have been lodged and accepted by ACRA. |
Rejected | Company Registrations that have been lodged and rejected by ACRA. |
Prepared by Me | Company Registrations that have been created by the current user. |
Immediately prepare Pre-Incorp and Post-Incorp Documents
All Singapore companies have the ability to prepare Pre-Incorporation and Post-Incorporation documents regardless of registration status:
Note that selecting Post-Incorp Docs for companies that are not yet registered will prompt you to mark that company as registered:
To prepare a new Company Registration, click:
CAS 360 will bring up the Company Registration screen.
Complete each section detailing information for the company. The sections include:
- Details
- Addresses
- Officers
- Shareholders
- Auditors
- Constitution
Once a section has been completed, CAS 360 will mark the section as complete . If a section has not been completed, CAS 360 will indicate this using a
. All sections of the Company Registrations screen must be completed before preparing documents.
Icon | Explanation |
Navigate to the next section | |
Navigate to the previous section | |
Close the Company Registrations screen without saving | |
Save current progress and close the Company Registrations screen |
The Details screen contains basic company details such as the Company Name, Type, Class and Company Activities.
It is a legal requirement to register a business with ACRA if you want to operate a business in Singapore.
When you submit a name application, you will need to specify the activities of your business by selecting the most relevant Singapore Standard Industrial Classification (SSIC) code.
Field | Explanation |
Company Name | Enter the company name. |
Company Type | Types of companies include Public Company, Foreign, Private Company - Exempt, Private Company - Non-Exempt. |
Company Class | Select if the company is Limited by Shares, Limited by Guarantee, Limited by Shares and Guarantee, Unlimited. |
Financial Year End |
The Financial Year End date will determine when your corporate filings and taxes are due. A company’s financial year end (FYE) represents the final day of its accounting period. When applying for a financial year of longer than 18 months, select the below reason(s):
Financial Year Period | Select between 12 months or 52 week accounting period. The accounting period is the recognised interval to complete an accounting cycle of the business. |
Company Activity | Select the company's Primary Activity Code and enter a description. Select |
The Addresses tab is for the address information for the company.
Singapore companies must have a Registered Office Address based in Singapore, which refers to the place where all communications and notices to the company are addressed, and the place where the company’s register and records are kept.
All companies must ensure that their registered office is open and accessible to the public for at least three hours during ordinary business hours on each business day. A business day is any day excluding Saturday, Sunday and public holidays.
Field | Explanation |
Registered Office Address |
In the New Address field, begin typing the new Address. CAS 360 will begin searching the Global Address screen for the Address. If the Address has not been previously added to the Global addresses screen, Click |
Working Hours |
Select between:
A company officeholder is responsible for many aspects of running a company.
Every company must have at least one director and have one secretary who is locally resident in Singapore. The sole director of a company and the company secretary cannot be the same person.
A company can choose to appoint a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Managing Director to manage and oversee all or part of the company’s business, however, is not compulsory to appoint either CEO or Managing Director with ACRA.
Field | Explanation |
Officer Name
Begin typing the new Officer's name. CAS 360 will begin searching the Global Contact screen for the person. If the Contact has not been previously added to the Global Contact screen, Click
The selected contact must have all mandatory fields for an officeholder:
Position |
Select the Officer's position as either Director, Secretary, Managing Director, or Chief Executive Officer. |
Meeting Status |
Shareholders are the owners of a company, through the purchase of shares. As owners of the company, shareholders are entitled to certain rights. Every company incorporated in Singapore must have at least one shareholder.
For a company limited by guarantee, the Members Screen will appear instead. Every CLG incorporated in Singapore must have at least one member
Field | Explanation |
Shareholder |
In the Shareholder field, begin typing the new shareholder's name. CAS 360 will search the Global Contacts screen for the person. If the contact has not been previously added to the Global Contacts screen, Click The selected contact must have all mandatory fields for a shareholder:
Are the shares held on behalf of another person, organisation or trust? | Toggle |
Share Class |
Select the issued Share Class from the list. |
Share Sub Class |
Select the issued Share Sub Class from the list |
Currency |
Select the Currency of the issued shares from the list. |
Number of Shares |
Input the number of shares allotted. |
Certificate Type |
Select the Certificate Type. Choose between Transaction, Balance or None. |
Certificate Number |
CAS 360 will automatically pre-fill a number based on previously entered shareholders. |
Amount of Issued Share Capital |
Enter the amount of issued share capital in decimals. |
Amount of Paid up Share capital |
Enter the amount of paid-up share capital in decimals. |
Shares Payable in |
Consideration paid for the shares issued. |
Field | Explanation |
Member |
In the Member field, begin typing the new member's name. CAS 360 will search the Global Contacts screen for the person. If the contact has not been previously added to the Global Contacts screen, Click The selected contact must have all mandatory fields for a member:
Currency | Select the Currency of the guarantee amount. |
Guarantee Amount |
Input the guarantee amount including decimals. |
Certificate Type |
Select the Certificate Type. Choose between Transaction, Balance or None. |
Certificate Number |
CAS 360 will automatically pre-fill a number based on previously entered members. |
Meeting Status |
Select the meeting status of the member which will display on the Resolutions. |
Unless your company is exempted from audit requirements under the relevant sections of the Companies Act, you must appoint an auditor within 3 months of incorporation.
Field | Explanation |
Auditor Name |
In the Auditor Name field, begin typing the new auditor's name. CAS 360 will search the Global Contacts screen for the person. If the contact has not been previously added to the Global Contacts screen, Click The selected contact must have all mandatory fields for an auditor
Status | Select between Appointment, Resigned, Removed or Other. |
Field | Explanation |
Type of Constitution |
Select between, Model Constitution for Company Limited by Shares, Model Constitution for Company Limited by Guarantee, or Customised Constitution to upload a Constitution directly to CAS 360. |
Once complete select to prepare Pre-Incorporation Documents.
Pre-Incorporation Documents
(if the documents have been previously prepared - Note: Re-Preparing the Company Registration and supporting documents will overwrite the previously created documents)
CAS 360 will produce the Document Production screen, and the Pre-Incorporation Documents prepared by CAS 360 include:
- Company Registrations Summary
- Form 7 - Certificate of Identity
- Consent to Act as Director Form 45
- Consent to Act as Secretary Form 45B
- Form 18 - Statutory Declaration Before Incorporation
- Form 6 - Declaration of Compliance
- Form 44 - Notice of Situation of Registered Office
- Application for Shares
- Constitution for Company Limited By Shares/Guarantee
- Form 24 - Return of allotment of shares
- Form 49 - Return giving officers particulars
Submit Application
When you have all the required information, log in to Bizfile+ using your Singpass to submit your application.
Once your incorporation application has been approved, BizFile+ will send an email to the appointed officers (e.g. directors, shareholders and company secretary) to request for their endorsement.
All appointed officers must endorse their appointments in BizFile+ within 60 days from the date of the email. Otherwise, the application will lapse.
Post-Incorporation Documents
Once the company has successfully registered with ACRA, a Unique Entity Number (UEN) will be automatically generated for the company.
Beside the company, click and select Mark Company as Registered.
Enter in the UEN and the Incorporation Date. Supporting documentation can also be uploaded.
(if the documents have been previously prepared)
CAS 360 will produce the Document Production screen, and the Post-Incorporation Documents prepared by CAS 360 include:
- Cover Letter
- First Directors Minutes or Resolution
- Share Certificate
- Notice of EGM
- Extraordinary Members Minutes or Resolution
- Bank Account Opening Minutes or Resolution (this document will only display if a Bank Account has been added to the company via the Relationships screen)
- Declaration of Company not Traded
- Constitution for Company Limited by Shares/Guarantee
- Register of Officeholders (based on officer roles appointed)
- Register of Members (for companies limited by guarantee)
Beside the company, click to Edit or Delete the company registration.
Clicking Copy Company will create a duplicate company in the company registrations screen carrying over all the company details from the company that you copied from. This helps users register companies with almost identical details to another company.