Annual Return
Document prepared when processing the Annual Return for filing.
Description | Code | Where is this information in CAS 360? |
Company Name |
«companyName» |
Entered into the Company Name field in the General Details screen. |
Company Number (UEN) |
«companyNumber» |
Entered into the Company Number field in the General Details screen. |
Financial Year End Date Year |
«arYear» |
Year of the Financial Year End Date entered in the General Details screen. |
Annual Return Due Date Year |
«arYear2» |
Year of the Annual Return Due Date entered in the General Details screen. |
Company Type During Financial Period |
«companyType» |
Entered into the Company Type field in the General Details screen. |
Incorporation Date |
«incorpDate» |
Entered into the Incorporation Date field in the General Details screen. |
Company Status |
«companyStatus» |
Entered into the Company Status field in the General Details screen. |
Solvency Status |
«solvencyStatus» |
Selected from the Solvency Status field when preparing Annual Return. |
AGM Required |
«agmRequired» |
Selected from the Is a Company AGM Required field when preparing Annual Return. |
AGM Date |
«agmDate» |
Entered into the Annual General Meeting date when preparing Annual Return. |
XBRL file Selected | «xbrlSelected» | Yes/No when confirming uploaded XBRL in preparing Annual Returns. |
Nature of Filing Information | «natureOfXbrl» | Nature of Filing Information from XBRL File uploaded. |
XBRL File uploaded by | «xbrlUploadBy» | User that uploaded the XBRL File when preparing Annual Return. |
XBRL File uploaded date | «xbrlUploadDate» | Date of XBRL File Upload when preparing Annual Return. |
AGM Copy of Financial Statements | «finStatPdf» | PDF file upload of Financial Statements when preparing Annual Return. |
Primary Activity | «primaryActivity» | Primary Activity selected. |
Primary User Described Activity | «primaryUserDescribedActivity» | Other Description when entering in a Primary Activity. |
Secondary Activity | «secondaryActivity» | Secondary Activity selected. |
Secondary User Described Activity | «secondaryUserDescribedActivity» |
Other Description when entering in a Secondary Activity. |
Ultimate Holding Company Name |
«holdingCompanyName» |
Entered into Holding Company Name field in the Relationships /Contacts screen. |
Ultimate Holding Number (UEN) |
«holdingCompanyNumber» |
Entered into the UEN field in the Relationships /Contacts screen. |
Holding Company Registered Country |
«holdingCompanyRegistrationCountry» |
The Place of Incorporation entered into the Contacts screen for the Holding Company. |
Holding Company Registered Office Address |
«holdingCompanyRegisteredAddress» |
The Registered Office Address entered into the Contacts screen for the Holding Company. |
Audit Required (Yes/No) |
«auditRequired» |
When Are the Financial Statements Audited? is toggled on |
Auditor Name |
«auditCompanyName» |
Entered into Auditor Name field in the Relationships /Contacts screen. |
Auditor UEN |
«auditCompanyNumber» |
The UEN entered into the Contacts screen for the Auditor. |
Signing Auditor |
«signingAuditor» |
Entered into Signing Contact field for Auditor in the Relationships screen. |
Signer ID |
«signingAuditorId» |
Entered into Registration Number field for Auditor in the Relationships screen. |
Charge Number | «chargeNumber» | Entered into Charge Number field when entering in Charges |
Date of Registration | «registrationDate» | Entered into Date Registered field when entering in Charges |
Amount of Indebtness | «amountOfIndebtness» | Entered into the Liablities section when entering in Charges |
Registered Office |
«companyRegisteredAddress» |
The Registered Office address entered into the Addresses screen |
Address for Service |
«addressForService» |
The Business address entered into the Addresses screen |
Address for Communication |
«addressForCommunication» |
The Postal address entered into the Addresses screen |
Location of Registers Kept: |
«locationOfRegistersKept» |
The Location of Registers Kept entered into the Addresses screen |
Members Register Address: |
«membersRegisterAddress» |
The Members Register Address entered into the Addresses screen |
Register of Controllers Address |
«companyRcAddress» |
The Register of Controllers Address entered into the Addresses screen |
Register of Nominee Directors Address |
«companyNdAddress» |
The Register of Nominee Directors Address entered into the Addresses screen |
Officeholder Name |
«officerName» |
Officer Name selected in the Officer field when entering the Officer Changes. |
Officeholder Address |
«arOfficerAddress» |
The Officer Address entered into the Contacts screen for the contact. |
Officeholder Nationality |
«officerNationality» |
The Officer Nationality entered into the Contacts screen for the contact. |
Identification |
«officerIdDetails» |
The Officer ID entered into the Contacts screen for the contact. |
Officeholder Residential Address |
«officerResidentialAddress» |
The Officer Residential Address entered into the Contacts screen for the contact. |
Officeholder Position |
«arOfficerPosition» |
Officer Position selected when entering Officer Changes. |
Officeholder Date of Appointment |
«officerDateOfAppointment» |
Officer Date of Appointment selected when entering Officer Changes. |
Officeholder Date of Birth |
«officerDob» |
The Officer Date of Birth entered into the Contacts screen for the contact. |
Officeholder Place of Birth |
«officerPob» |
The Officer Place of Birth entered into the Contacts screen for the contact. |
Officeholder Country of Birth |
«officerCountryOfBirth» |
The Officer Country of Birth entered into the Contacts screen for the contact. |
Total Number of Issued Shares |
«sgAr_currentShareholderNumberOfSharesHeld» |
Sum of shares issued for Share Type in the Shareholders screen. |
Share Currency |
«sgAr_currentShareholderCurrency» |
Share currency of Share type when adding share type. |
Class of Share |
«sgAr_currentShareholderClassOfShare» |
Class of Share when adding share type. |
Shareholder Name |
«sgAr_currentShareholderName» |
Shareholder Name selected in the Allottee field when entering the Member Changes. |
Shareholder Address |
«sgAr_currentShareholderAddress» |
The Shareholder's Address entered into the Contacts screen for the contact. |
Representative's Address for joint members |
«sgAr_jmRepresentativeAddress» |
The Representative's Address entered into the Contacts screen for the contact. |
Shareholder Nationality |
«sgAr_currentShareholderNationality» |
The Shareholder Nationality entered into the Contacts screen for the contact. |
Shareholder Identification |
sgAr_currentShareholderIdentity» |
The Shareholder ID entered into the Contacts screen for the contact. |
Shareholder Company Number |
«sgAr_currentShareholderCompanyNumber» |
The Shareholder Company Number entered into the Contacts screen for the contact. |
Shareholder Address |
«currentShareholderAddress» |
The Shareholder Address entered into the Contacts screen for the contact. |
Shareholder Company Number |
«currentShareholderCompanyNumber» |
The Shareholder Company Number entered into the Contacts screen for the contact. |
Shares Held |
«currentShareholderNumberOfSharesHeld» |
Number of Shares held of the Share Type issued for the Shareholder in the Shareholders screen. |
Share Allocation % |
«currentShareholderShareAllocation» |
% of Share Allocation of the Share Type issued for the Shareholder in the Shareholders screen. |
Guarantor Name | «sgAr_currentGuarantorName» | Member Name selected in the Member field when adding a Non-Share Member. |
Guarantor Address | «sgAr_currentGuarantorAddress» | The Member Address entered into the Contacts screen for the contact. |
Guarantor Nationality | «sgAr_currentGuarantorNationality» | The Member Nationality entered into the Contacts screen for the contact. |
Guarantor Identity | «sgAr_currentGuarantorIdentity» | The Member ID entered into the Contacts screen for the contact. |
Guarantor Company Numer | currentGuarantorCompanyNumber | The Member Company Number entered into the Contacts screen for the contact. |
Guarantor Currency | currentGuarantorCompanyNumber | Currency selected when adding a Non-Share Member. |
Guarantor Guaranteed Amount | currentGuarantorGuaranteedAmount | Guaranteed Amount for Member when adding a Non-Share Member. |
Signatory Name |
«signatoryName» |
Select |
Signatory Position |
«signatoryPosition» |
Select |
Designation Date |
«documentDate» |
Select |
Company Contact Codes
The following codes relate to the Company Contact selected in the General Details screen.
Description | Code |
Company Contact Name | ${companyContactName} |
Company Contact Name in Lower Case | ${companyContactNameLowerCase} |
Company Contact Name in Proper Case | ${companyContactNameProperCase} |
Company Contact Name in Upper Case | ${companyContactNameUpperCase} |
Company Contact First Name | ${CompanyContactFirstName} |
Company Contact First Name in Lower Case | ${CompanyContactFirstNameLowerCase} |
Company Contact First Name in Proper Case |
${CompanyContactFirstNameProperCase} |
Company Contact First Name in Upper Case | ${CompanyContactFirstNameUpperCase} |