CAS XBRL Import tool incorporates a key feature of auto-tagging which will match your financial data and reduce the time spent on manual data entry.
Drag-and-drop a set of financial statements in CAS XBRL where data can be populated automatically.
Step 1 - Complete Pre-Requisites
- Ensure the Financial Year End Date for the company and source document match.
- Ensure provided financial statements, details data in clear tables (Word/Excel format).
Step 2 - Copy Financial Statements
Open the set of Financial Statements that you want to load into CAS XBRL. Highlight (Crtl + A) and copy (Crtl + C) all content.
Step 3 - Import Function
In CAS XBRL, from the Left-hand side menu, select the relevant statement or notes. Then, from the Ribbon Toolbar, select the Import tools tab and select .
CAS XBRL will now display a Drag and Drop screen.
Step 4 - Drag and drop
Drag and drop the Financial Statements into CAS XBRL or use Crtl + V to paste.
Step 5 - Import Data
The CAS XBRL Import tool will scan the information and find matching items in the Financial Statements and Notes.
Example: Report 1 displays all the items in the Statement of Financial Position, however has only matched Share Capital.
Select to upload all matched elements into CAS XBRL.
Note: The import tool will also use the company label to find matches to automatically import.
Step 6 - Manually input or edit financial data
Once you have loaded the financial data you will have the ability to manually input or edit the financial statements.
Items that are automatically matched via the import tool will be displayed in Green.
Any exceptions that the user will need to drag and drop will be displayed in Red.