- Core
New Report
The Register of Seal Entries Report can be generated in CAS 360 to easily keep track of companies that have added a company seal.
Enhancements have been made to the encryption of contact information stored within CAS 360.
The updated Company Report now provides information on both the appointment and cessation date of Members for limited-by-guarantee companies.
- Australia
Automated Debt Reminder: The enhancements to the Automated Debt Reminder include a more robust system for managing the Annual Review documents submitted for Document review, which verifies if they have been approved before sending out automated debt reminders.
- Singapore
We’re excited to announce that we have added an Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Counter-Financing of Terrorism (CFT) and Customer Due Diligence (CDD) workflow to CAS 360, specifically designed for Singapore Companies. This includes:
- A dedicated tab for all AML/CFT and CDD requirements for each company
- New compliance tabs for Ultimate Beneficial Owners & Business Entities designed for Singapore Companies.
- Alert 2 notifying users of key issues for each company facing AML/CDD Requirements.
- PEP checks for Individuals, Ultimate Beneficial Owners, and Business Entities.
- New Zealand
Comparison report improvements when a Director also has an Australian Company Directorship.
- Hong Kong
- We’re excited to announce that CAS 360 now offers added support for new Hong Kong Forms
- Form NR1: Notice of Change of Address of Registered Office
- Form ND8: Notice of Resignation of Reserve Director
Enhancements to the style of Hong Kong addresses.
Improved Hong Kong Officer Validations.